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宝德 6014型直动式两位三通阀电磁阀 宝德6014是直动式两位三通阀,内孔一般为1.2-6.0,一般适用于小流量的场合,是一种小口径的电磁阀。它适用于多种介质,也适用于真空包装。一般过气体的较多,可作为空压机的气源控制的装置。价格比较便宜。
burkert宝德 0331两位三通电磁阀,0331型直动式两位三通转动衔铁电磁阀为底板安装式。隔离膜片将介质与电磁系统隔离。 Various diaphragm material combi-nations and methods of operation are availabledepending on the application.
burkert宝德 0340两位三通电磁阀,0340型先导控制两位三通电磁阀,带平稳工作的伺服活塞。*打开和关闭需要0.5bar的压差。. This valve can be used in a variety of occasions, even no lubrication can be used to run.
burkert宝德 0344两位三通电磁阀,0344型先导控制两位三通电磁阀,带平稳工作的伺服活塞。 Fully open and close to 0.25 bar pressure difference. Normally closed loop function and normally open, especially suitable for low pressure gas and p
burkert宝德 6012两位三通微型电磁阀,6012型直动式电磁阀可单个安装或组合 安装。适用于控制中性介质。Type 6012 direct acting solenoid valve can be installed in a single or combinationThe installation. Apply to control neutral medium.