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TYPE burkert 8694位置调节仪英文

TYPE burkert 8694位置调节仪英文




简要描述:TYPE burkert 8694位置调节仪英文
Burkert 8694 through the standard signal 4 to 20 mA, or AS - rating Interface. Work non-contact sensor element to determine the position of the valve spindle.


TYPE burkert 8694位置调节仪英文

Burkert 8694 through the standard signal 4 to 20 mA, or AS - rating Interface. Work non-contact sensor element to determine the position of the valve spindle. Using the device DTM form parametric additional options. Linearization working characteristic curve, using the free programming characteristic curve, burkert 8694 can use the software interface and other interface. Burkert 8694 status display can be realized by leds. Optional position feedback information integration simulation.

TYPE burkert 8694位置调节仪英文的技术参数:

TYPE burkert 8694 position apparatus in English

Burkert 8694 features:

1, compact and durable design of stainless steel

2, use the automatic tuning function for debugging
3, non-contact absorber
4, integration control air transmission to drive
5, the AS - Interface fieldbus Interface (option)


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