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burkert SE32显示仪表/burkert 8032流量计

burkert SE32显示仪表/burkert 8032流量计

产品型号: SE32



简要描述:burkert SE32显示仪表/burkert 8032流量计 compact fl ow controller Type 8032 consists of 2 basis units as follows: 1. Compact electronic module SE32 2. INLINE fi tting S030 (has to be ordered separay - see


burkert SE32显示仪表/burkert 8032流量计 compact fl ow controller Type 8032 consists of 2 basis units as follows: 1. Compact electronic module SE32 2. INLINE fi tting S030 (has to be ordered separay - see corresponding data sheet)

burkert SE32显示仪表/burkert 8032流量计


12 - 30 VDC – NPN transistor Conduit cable plug Type 2508, DIN 43650 US08572 – PNP transistor Conduit cable plug Type 2508, DIN 43650 US08571 – NPN and PNP transistors 5-pin circular connector M12 US08570 – NPN and PNP transistors (UR/CSA approved) 5-pin circular connector  M12 US09678 – Relay 5-pin circular connector M12 and conduit cable plug type 2508 DIN 43650 US08569 4–20 mA 1) Relay 5-pin circular connector M12 and conduit cable plug type 2508 DIN 43650 US08568  ASi Bus ASi ASi + Relay 4-pin circular connector M12 and conduit cable plug type 2508 DIN 43650 US08567 12 – 30 VDC 4–20 mA 1) 4-20 mA 2) + Relay 8-pin circular connector M12 and conduit cable plug type 2508 DIN 43650 US08566 


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