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burkert电磁阀6011 A 1.2 FKM MS G1/8 00143179 6011型直动式电磁阀可单个安装或组合安装。适用于关断、加药、灌装等,也适用于工艺真空。Type 6011 direct acting solenoid valve can be installed a single or combination. Applicable to shut off, dosing, filling, etc., can also be applied to vacuum process.
burkert宝德 6011两位两通电磁阀实物图:
burkert电磁阀6011 A 1.2 FKM MS G1/8 00143179技术参数:
内孔:DN 1.2-2.4mm
介质温度:-10 to +100 °C
环境温度:Max. +55 °C
粘度:Max. 21mm 2 /s
电气连接:DIN 43650 C型插头,可与2506型电缆插座配套
防护等级:带电缆插座IP 65
burkert宝德 6011两位两通电磁阀:
Straburkertight moving type, normally closed
• high switch frequency
Low consumption,
• threaded connection and the base connection
Compact structure,
burkert电磁阀6011 A 1.2 FKM MS G1/8 00143179
6011为直动式柱塞电磁阀。止动器与柱塞导管焊接在一起,以提高耐压性和密封性。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种密封材质。Bürkert底板接口使该阀可组合安装在底板上,节省空间。可选插管接头式连接软管。电磁线圈采用聚酰胺封装。与 DIN EN 17301-803 B 型或 C 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65。
For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.
burkert电磁阀6011 A 1.2 FKM MS G1/8 00143179