burkert 2658两位两通 宝德2658两位三通球阀
burkert 2658 球阀图片:
与宝德两位两通和两位三通2658球阀结合的产品有:Type 6012/6014 P电磁阀、Type 8631顶部控制开/关、Type 8640/8644阀块、Type 5470电磁阀、Type 6519 NAMUR电磁阀,以下是两位两通和两位三通球阀burkert 2658与其它型号结合的产品图片:
burkert 2658两位两通 宝德2658两位三通球阀
The complete unit of the Type 2658 consists of a pneumatic rotary actuator and a ball valve body from plastic. The connection between the ball valve and the actuator is made via a standard interface (? ange connection). The rotary
movement in the actuator is produced by a linear piston with angled thread coupling. The rotary actuator moves the ball valve through 90° and thereby opens or closes the port crosssection. The compact pneumatically-operated ball valve can be used for a wide range of applications and media. The pneumatic rotary actuator can also be used for other purposes.
The ball valves are equipped with the so-called Dual Block? Technology. This system serves as a safety device for the union nuts. It prevents these separating during operation.
宝德 两位两通和两位三通 球阀burkert2658技术参数图片: