宝德角座阀/气动角阀2000 A分底座下流向和底座上流向,区别在于过的是气体还是液体。具体信息描述如下:
宝德角座阀/气动角阀2000 A流向阀座上技术参数(仅适用于气体和蒸汽)
介质 气体和蒸汽
其它技术参数 请参见阀座下流向的资料
注意! 阀座上流向的阀门只能在一定条件下可用于液体,因为有产生水锤的危险!
Medium gas and steam
Other technical parameters Please see the information flow under the seat
Attention! Valve seat to only under certain conditions can be used for liquid, because the risk of water hammer.
According to need to offer two two normally open valve, spring return
According to need to provide other pressure range, the circuit function, seat to, PPS actuators and accessories, etc